Letter from the President
User Group 2022
Finally. C/F Data and the world are ready to get together again. Come join us at our 2022 STRUCTURE User Conference. The 2022 STRUCTURE User Conference will be held on October 19 & 20 at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood, Massachusetts. We are very excited for the opportunity to see all of you again in person!
The format of this User Conference will focus on ways for you to maximize your investment in STRUCTURE. We will highlight ways to improve efficiency, enhance workflows, and help to make your company more successful and profitable.
STRUCTURECloud 2.0 will be discussed and we will share some actual customer success stories.
We will teach you ways to improve your job cost tracking and reporting.
You will learn how to use BRAINS to automate processes and save time.
Learn how to generate more professional forms and reports using the Report Template Configurator (RTC).
The day will be a great learning experience for your system administrator as well as ALL of your users. Plan on having an enjoyable lunch with other users in your industry and, of course, our now famous cocktail hour chock full of fun and prizes!
Day two will be offered to those who have traveled from afar as well as any local users who would like to expand their knowledge base. The morning will be used to “ask the experts” and learn even more about STRUCTURE. We also plan to incorporate a fun surprise for the afternoon.
We encourage you to have your company represented at the event and to send along as many as you think would benefit from attending.
Stay safe,
Eric Goldstein
Eric Goldstein
C/F Data Systems
News From the Office

Four Points Sheraton
Wednesday & Thursday
October 19-20, 2022
Norwood, MA
The 2022 User Group Conference welcomes all STRUCTURE users.
Morning session for all:
Learn about STRUCTURECloud 2.0.
Automate processes by utilizing BRAINS.
Create professional forms and reports using the Report Template Configurator (RTC).
Clean up your system by Purging.
Breakout sessions throughout the day:
System Administrator
Tips & Tricks
Executive Center & Project Center
Document Management
General Ledger
Project Management
Job Cost Reporting
Job Tracking
News from the Office
STRUCTUREMobile Apps: TimeLinc, TechLinc, and ChangeLinc< >Common Support Questions and Unknown FeaturesWork Orders
Upcoming Holidays
Our offices, including support, will be closed on the days listed below in observance of the holidays.
Memorial Day
Monday, May 30th
Independence Day
Monday, July 4th
C/F Data Support Tips & Tricks
Spring Cleaning
Now is a good time to think about purging and cleaning up Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
Before purging any data, we recommend having us create an Archive Company for you. An Archive Company costs $250 and includes 1 hour of Purge Prep. An Archive Company is an exact copy of your company. Once the Archive Company is created, we set security, change the company colors, and limit access to it.
Once your Archive Company has been created, you can start the purge procedures. Purging should be done when there are no other users on the system. Click here for the Purging How To.
Have You Printed Bills and Then Can’t Find Them in History (AHI/JJI)?
First, check ASE. Maybe you said [No] to the second update questions. Before adding another bill, check there first. If it is in ASE, run ASU to finish the update. If the transaction is not in ASE, please call Support.
Message in JBU

This means when setting up your Schedule of Values in JFE, the G702 screen never came up.
Go back to JFE - AIA/Schedule of Values.
Do not enter the job#.
Select [Add/Chg AIA].
Enter the job #.
When your cursor is in Field 2, click [Exit] or <F12>.
A screen displaying information for the G702 will come up.
Add any information, or simply click [OK] or press <Enter>.
[Exit] back to the menu.
STRUCTURE Payroll Upgrade
Latest upgrade version is 18.04.11. If you are using STRUCTURE for your Payroll, you should have done the upgrade prior to running your Quarterly reports. The 941 has been updated to reflect “2022”
If you are not getting notifications, please contact Support.
Can’t Get the PO’s Written in Detail Prior to Receiving the Invoice?
Check out PME – Manual Purchase Order Entry.
This will benefit those of you wanting the detail from your PO in Job Cost or want to update your inventory quantities. Enter the detail right from your invoice in PME.
Have Open PO Amounts When You Know You Have Been Invoiced?
For those of you that are using the Purchase Order application, it is important that vendor invoices received for anything ordered on a PO get received in PRE – Invoice Receipt Entry. Run PRU – Receipts Report and Update. This will update the invoice to VVE – Voucher/Invoice Entry and then you will run VRU – Voucher Report and Update to finish the update.
Purchase Order Invoices must be entered in PRE in order to receive the lines on the PO. Once all of the lines on the PO have been received in full in PRE, the system will close the PO when the PRU is run.
If PRE is not being used to enter the PO invoices, the PO’s are never going to show any items were received and will never get closed.
PO’s can be received in Detail or Summary. If received in Detail, you will see the description of each line received in Job Cost along with the quantity and cost. If received in Summary, you will see one line for the amount of the invoice in Job Cost.
JFV – Voiding and Reissuing an AIA Bill
Did you know that we have an automated process for voiding and rebilling updated AIA invoices?
JFV is in the Contract Billing Menu and can be used to Void or Void and Rebill an AIA with new amounts.
If you see a message on the top right that says “Not Editable” that means that the invoice has been changed in some way from its original form (usually having a payment against it or retainage released) and you would then need to void it manually through JFE.
After your entry is updated there is additional cleanup that needs to be done. You can zero out the positive and negative retainage amounts in ARE/ARR and then use APC to apply the gross original invoice to the credit from JFV so they do not print on your open Aging.
Give us a call if you would like a walk through for the first time or we have a Video of this process that has more detail here.

Postings to the 9999-999 in General Ledger
There should be no surprise when closing a month that figures are in the 9999-999 account.
When updating anything to general ledger you get a G/L Distribution Report.
Please look at it before closing it from VIEW. The last page will indicate if there were invalid G/L accounts.
If you do not close your months on a timely basis, and are not looking at your Distribution reports, you could have quite the task cleaning up the 9999-999 account.
Better to be on top of an issue as it happens.
Why does it happen?
Did you change General Ledger account numbers?
Did you update all places that hold defaults?
Do you have rounding differences in Payroll? Add your Direct Labor GL# to HMQ/PRL/6045.
On the website you will find a “General Ledger Default Checklist” in the How To section.
Easiest thing to do is to look at your reports before closing them.
Support Contact Information
Phone: 800.370.4357 | Fax: 781.337.9991 | Email: support@cfdatasystems.com
The phone lines are open from 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday (ET). Email support is available Monday through Friday 8:30am to 7:00pm.
Support may be unavailable Monday (9:00am-9:30am) and Thursday (8:45am-9:45am) for staff meetings.
Have You Signed Up Yet?!
If you have not done so already, be sure to sign up for our Customer Support website. It is easy to enroll and there is even a How To for it! Get it here.
As a member, you will gain full access to all our How To’s, Academy Webinars, class workbooks and video How To’s. You will find answers and guidance on questions such as:
Only work in a few procs on a daily basis? See our How to on setting up a Favorites menu.
Puzzled with AIA billing questions? Donna will guide you along in her many Academy webinars from adding change orders to voiding an AIA billing and everything in between.
Trying to tie out General ledger to Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable? Look no further then under the How To section for General Ledger.
New employee starting? We have an Orientation video to get them acquainted with STRUCTURE.
So much to see and do – be sure not to miss out!